I have been working in my lurkim, quilting Sue B's wallhanging. She's gonna love it! She used antique colors/fabrics, so I used the cathedral windows/orange peel pattern to quilt the unpieced blocks. That made the little (4") churndash blocks just jump out! You'll see pictures of that tomorrow, hopefully.
But you know how I am. I can't just sit there the whole time my IQ is working. I may have to do the measuring/adjusting for the pattern going into a particular block, but once the IQ is stitching it out, I use those 5 or 10 or more minutes doing something else. This time I have been working on this fabric bowl, done the raw edge way. I like this way better than the Bali Bowl way -- no ironing!
My friend Mary had given me these 1 1/4" strips as a challenge to see what I could come up with. My prototype bowl wasn't very good, so I made another one, which came out just right. Won't she be surprised to get that fabric back in its altered form?!
I also finished Sisty's checkbook that matches the key chain I made yesterday for her.
AND -- if you look closely (click on picture), you can see that I also learned how to put in snaps! The flap covers a clever little pocket for mad money, credit card, license, what-have-you.
I think I will do one more thing to polish up Sue's quilt tomorrow and get it in the mail so it reaches her before the 8th. She's delivering the quilts I did for her friends then, and I want her to have hers to show-and-tell as well.