We're at it again, making a molehill out of a mountain.
This is the archery side of this particular work bench area in our garage. The grey wall cabinet has many parts and pieces of arrows, sights, strings, quivers and the like. Outside, under the wall cabinet sit two small desk top sets of drawers with various sizes and colors of fletches and nocks. A fletch is a feather, and a nock is the very short plastic tube that holds the end of the arrow on the bow string. It was my job to gather up all four of these little cabinets, two of which were going on ebay and two of which were being kept. However, since I had moved the larger of the two that were to be kept first, when I came upon the two that were being sold, they looked like they were just one, larger cabinet. The last thing DH said was not to tilt the cabinets forwards or all the drawers would fall out. I knew this. I had just picked up one successfully, hadn't I? However, the second "one" was actually two, and, you guessed it, I dropped the lower cabinet. The drawers obligingly slid open and poured out hundreds of colored nocks. Rats. Nocks come in many different sizes. The only thing that keeps me from finding a bridge to jump off of today is that each size is a different color. When I can actually get to the area where all the nocks spilled, I will have a fighting chance of getting them back into their proper drawers at least. Meanwhile, I think I'll stick to rearranging the light bulbs in my hall cabinets.
The center of the bench is occupied by a wood lathe that has been refashioned into a tire lathe for go carts. Don't ask me why this is important, but it has to do with contact area of the tire suface and ability to grip the track. TMI for me. The left side of the bench has a wall cabinet that holds all DH's bullet making equipment. Except gunpowder.
Actually, DH doesn't make his own bullets anymore, but his gear is very like my fabric. I have a hard time letting go of a piece that I liked alot when I bought it. Even if I never use it, at least I still have it. Some people are like that with scraps from their various projects, holding onto them for the memories. My friend,
Mary, actually uses her scraps effectively, as you can see on her blog, and so does guild buddy Jean, who has made 13 quilts for her "kids" (fosters) this Christmas from huge balls of scraps sewn into 2 1/2" ribbons that must be miles long! Ya gotta admire that kind of dedication.
Me, I throw mine away. I know, it's sacrilege. I get it. I really do. But once I complete a project, I'm eager for new "faces" on my fabric. Come to think of it, I wish DH could get rid of his unused tools (I know it's broken , but I can use it to stir paint with), equipment (one of these days when I retire, I'm gonna fix this), supplies (17 different car waxes is NOT too many!), odd pieces of metal (I can use that for welding!) and the like as easily as I can give up my fabric.
That brings us to this last mechanical wonder that hubby just assembled. It looks like a short metal baby bathinette. You know, similar to the softer kind our mothers bathed our baby brothers in that had a sling for the baby to rest on in the water. When the bath was over, she would take him out and wrap him up in a towel, and the top of the bathinette was then folded down so she could dry the baby and powder him and dress him on it. So I asked DH -- what are you going to wash in that? -- thinking I was being very clever and cryptic. His reply? Parts.
Ask a stupid question...